
Top Five Sources of Information

 My Five Favorite Sources of Information 1. Morning Brew - Email Subscription Letter / Website   This is my main source of current events based news stories. The Morning Brew is a subscription based news letter delivered to my inbox every morning. I often start the day by waking up and checking my phone by habit, so having a source of information that keeps a professional, but personable tone helps start my day on the right foot. A lot of their stories are targeted for young professionals, which is helpful as this is almost, but not quite a demographic I fall into, so I am able to familiarize myself with the way in which this news publication applies biases and focuses their interest before being their target audience.   2. PBSNews Hour - Publicly Funded Cable News  There are no other cable news networks on my list and that is intentional. I believe that in the capitalist, information driven economy that is America, large scale news networks are obligated to use their platform to sen